+ How far in advance for booking?

One month prior

+ Specific brands of hair recommended?

Bella b collection

peruvian- low maintenance 

indian-versatile (curly, can swell with humidity)

cambodian- Thick hair(textured) 

+ How long would you recommend keeping each install before redo?

One to two months limit

+ How long does Bella B Collection hair last?

With proper care up to a year

+ How far in advance should I book coloring services for hair?

One week 

+ How much hair do I need?

For a full installation, we recommend 10 -12 ounces of virgin hair:

2-3 bundles for 14-16" lengths

3 to 4 bundles with lengths longer than 18"

Each bundle weights in at 3.5-4 ounces per bundle

+ How do I maintain my Bella B Collection hair?

Shampoo extensions once every 2 weeks (if heavy oil production from scalp or product build up on hair, once a week is recommend)

Recommended shampoo and conditioner: Pantene smooth and sleek shampoo and conditioner (perfect for any hair extensions)

Gently shampoo and condition extensions to avoid any tangles then comb from ends up with wide tooth comb

Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water

Air drying is recommend